10 Foods That Help Reduce Knee and Back Pain
#5 Pulses
#6 Juicy Fruits
Fruits, especially the juicy variants, should be an essential component of your diet plan for reducing knee and back pain.
Apples, pineapple, berries, cherries, grapes, and citrus fruits (lemon, oranges) are composed of flavonoids and antioxidants. These plant compounds work in tandem to ease inflammations caused by knee and back pain. Consume the skin of the fruit to derive maximum benefits.
Regular consumption of tomatoes (yes, it is a fruit!) is also recommended as they contain lycopene, a highly potent antioxidant. It prevents ligament cells from any perennial damage while repairing the inflamed tissues faster.
#7 Green Tea
Green tea or herbal tea is often recommended for people suffering from chronic back or knee pain as a non-invasive treatment. Green tea is rich in flavonoids, which reduce inflammation in affected areas to a great extent.
Green tea also helps improve our immune response, thus reducing the chances of tissue or cartilage ruptures. Because of its non-inflammatory properties, you can consume one or two cups of green tea daily.
Green tea is beneficial for maintaining your body’s overall health and wellness.
published by :- Azlan Saif [Nutritionist]
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